In today's digital world, information passes between people in a fraction of the time it once did, and advertising, and commerce, have entered into a brand new age. Even a small business can pull corporation numbers with the right advertising plan, and Non-profit organizations can spread their messages, and boost their membership, by connecting with their audience on the web. Unfortunately many of these small businesses and NPO's in this economy find it impossible to start their own website to spread the word, because the development costs are too great. We find that unacceptable.

Enter Creative Design Concepts.

Our aim is to provide the absolute lowest prices we possibly can to every single client. When we charge our prices, if it takes an hour and one minute, we don't charge to the next hour like other corporate developers. We charge you to-the-minute pricing, we can also broker all the cheapest stable deals possible for business hosting, domain name, and even credit card processing solutions to our clients. We are dedicated to providing the lowest price possible for a comprehensive package of online tools to any business who wants to utilize the awesome power the internet has to offer.

Creative Design Concepts was founded by owner Shaun Horton in 2003, the company has offered many services to local PC owners for the last seven years. However as the year 2010 rolls around, we've decided to change our focus, to streamline the operation so we can provide lower rates than we ever have before.

We like to have a personal relationship with every customer at Creative Design Concepts, and every site is built to reflect that. Your site will be built by ONE programmer who will handle your account from day one, to the day we launch.

Contact us for more information on timeframes and available domains and the types of hosting available.